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Schools & Family Resources in Litchfield County

KLEMM Real Estate’s agents have compiled this helpful list of information to help you understand the educational resources available to your family. We know that your child’s education is a top priority for any parent. As you consider purchasing a luxury home in Litchfield County, you’ll want to know what opportunities await your children as they transition into their new hometown. That’s why KLEMM Real Estate’s dedicated team of agents have compiled these resources to help you decide which of the area’s premier schools best fits your child’s needs and to gain an understanding of the opportunities that will be available to you and your children in Litchfield County.

In addition to top tier schools and college preparatory programs, Litchfield County offers countless summer and school year programs and camps for the community’s youth. No matter what your children are interested in, they’ll find a supportive and enriching camp or organization to help them grow. From sports clubs to summer camps, college prep courses to local preschools, Litchfield County’s tight-knit community of youth programs has something for everyone. As you navigate the process of purchasing a new property in beautiful Litchfield County, you’ll want to make sure your children have plenty of opportunities and space to grow in their new hometown. We hope you can begin to imagine what your family’s life will look like in Litchfield County as you browse our collection of helpful resources.

As a family-owned firm, KLEMM believes that one of Litchfield County’s greatest qualities is its community and charm. That’s why we’ve spent decades not only helping clients find the perfect home, but building relationships and connections with other community leaders and local business owners. We have built a true sense of home here in Litchfield County, and we know you will, too. Discover why Litchfield County is the perfect place for a family with kids! 

Fun and Learning for Kids

KLEMM Knows Kids! Check out this awesome list of activities for kids of all ages. No matter their passion, your child can pursue their full potential here, follow a link below to learn more.

Soccer Clubs

Local youth soccer clubs for players of all skill levels.


Local youth lacrosse program.

Nursery & Preschool Programs

Please see the list below of local nursery and preschool programs available.

Private Pre-K/Kindergarten - Middle School Programs

Esteemed local private schools for young children are available in the area.

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